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Definition of public Services

Writer's picture: Wilson Thelimo LouisWilson Thelimo Louis

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

Public service is a service intended to serve all members of a community. The government usually provides it to people living within its jurisdiction, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing the provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of income, physical ability, or mental acuity (Source: Google/Wikipedia). Public service origin and definition also occur by imposing moral, philosophical, and long-term strategies to satisfy community needs. Defining the resistivity of what we should do to make humans continue to survive or have a decent life, we believe that education and supporting institutions working for the development could be a win. The public service aims to make the communities an inspirational source. From the Welfare States to Social Origins in the oxford handbook of civil society page 32, a: "One key reference point for understanding cross-national differences in the nonprofit sector is the literature on the development of the welfare state."

We want to come with an anecdote to support this fundamental concept. When the Haitian heritage was almost dead, Haitian activists think they must revive their culture. In the search for national identity, these contemporaries gathered under a grassroots association called ITIAHaiti, or Innovation of the Terroir by Itiahists for Haiti's Advancement. They believe that if the citizens learn the correct way to become self-sustaining, the community will also be autonomous, and the public service area will be more flexible. Considered the first Haitian philosophical doctrine of the 21st century, ITIAHISM was born out of a group of committed poets. They willingly sacrifice themselves by raising their hands to say no to any form of injustice that occurred during their existence.

This grassroots association against injustice was channeled into a movement that emerged on July 12, 2008. These youth created a weekly workshop to encourage poetry and perform plays in the southern Haitian city of Les Cayes. The idea later expanded on social media to give birth to a 501c3 literary, socio-educational, and cultural organization exalting human values. The primary purpose of ITIAHaiti was to promote the clarity of literature that highlights, translates, and reflects all realities of Haiti. It supports licit, teachable, and original literature while advocating for innovation. These youngsters use their pen to paint their country's existence and focus on various facets of their society to strengthen the service public area's spirit. According to them, social nuances and cohesion are the ingredients that will make Haiti truly beautiful and project the depth of their history.

We must admit that the public service englobes the result of intellectual aspects that influence social change too. When government agencies lack resources to respond to their jurisdiction's needs, partner and local organizations cooperate to enhance public service materially, financially, and intellectually. Comparing to many "immigrant organizations that focus on HIV/ AIDS, affordable housing, economic development, and community care; as mentioned on page 33 of the oxford handbook of civil society," the Itiahism philosophy gleans ideas from the moral atmosphere to synchronize the natives with their homeland. Their self-reliance philosophy elevates human beings as the god of his heaven to empower his existence's true meaning. Its philosophical doctrine of making men and women the materials of their masterpiece bind all philosophical concept of the centuries, which question the ecstasy of surreal. It synchronizes with the first independent Negro Republic in the world, the condition of an actual pirated sovereignty and a powerful society's future.

Considering the public service duties through the nonprofit sector on page 38 of the oxford handbook of civil society: "Social and demographic trends, state restructuring, the push for more individual choice in public service delivery, ...the nonprofit sector will become even more critical in the future... As service providers, nonprofits have complicated relationships with the state, affecting their ability to respond to community needs and act as conduits for citizen pressure. Significant differences within and across countries are likely to persist, despite pressures to conform to universal roles and standards. Suppose it is to advance civil society and not simply substitute for the state. The nonprofit sector will need to maintain a careful balance between dependence and independence and find ways of blending service delivery with other roles such as advocacy and community organizing." The public service industry would surely be acceptable if it had the immediate consequence of eliminating the intruders of concept from communities. Also, all doctrines, their manners which make, on the one hand, the basis of the human belief and the other hand, support the population.

As it is reflected in the oxford handbook of civil society on page 114, in the second paragraph: "Democracy…has been enlarged, say, optimistic social analysts, by social movements and advocacy groups fighting for social rights and fresh understandings of the public interest (Berry 1999; Minkoff 1997; and Schudson 1998). Americans are reinventing the community, too (Wuthnow 1994, 1998)—joining small flexible groups and engaging in ad hoc volunteering while supporting expert advocates who speak for important values on the national stage. Individuals from privileged families have advantages of income and education and tend to be regularly contacted by civic organizers or election campaigners. What is more, people in managerial and professional careers are likely to gain skills at work that can be transferred to public activities."

Coming back to our ITIAHaiti anecdote: The mission of ITIAHaiti was to empower youth to build their leadership, civic engagement through creative writing and entrepreneurship. Any different culture cannot influence the Itiahists. They fight to promote their vision of seeing youth find the right way to develop their talent and see the next generation's future. Their externalizations exert on each faculty like spirit on flesh. They are oriented towards the right way so that they do not astray. Activists of this philosophical doctrine do not quarrel; these patriots are synthetics, focus, and aesthetic. They speak less and say more. This theory tends to defend specific social facts that focus on universality. It is a form of militancy that is considered a weapon against the devastating powers that plunge the society into intellectual chaos. Because of an oppressive system, Haiti's sons and daughters had to go into exile searching for primary needs. The youth, the dominant force, the energy, and the seed of this ancestral land lose interest in their own culture. The Itiahists are fighters to the extreme for freedom and the scrupulous respect of the human being. The ideal of itiahism philosophical doctrine can be summed up thus: promoting people through radical change and meaningful progress.

For the Itiahists, defending their cultural identity is one of the winning strategies and educating and engaging the elite to save their homeland. They describe the misery of zombie people of their period through their works and exalting the beauty of what remains right. This psychological asset is used to motivate this great nation to take up its torch at last. Thus, these enthusiasts are alarmed to awaken their peers. They want to restore the landscapes, sing their community, and make their pens a therapy for the traumatized and an assault against the corrupt leaders. Being creative, the members of ITIAHaiti adapt their style and are accessible in their work. Itiahists build, advise, and transform without destroying, blaming, or distorting. They do not just protest but propose new ideas. This literacy, socio-education, and cultural nonprofit organization lay a bridge between a neglected past and an alarming present to build the future of Haitian society by harmonizing and perfecting everything.

Wilson Thelimo Louis,

MPS Candidate

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